Copy writing is the process of assembling words to promote a person, business, product or service. It is the art of persuasion using only words. In short, Salesmanship in print.

…Writing text for websites is an extremely important and overlooked skill. To be truly successful it must not only engage the visitor, but it must carefully and methodically get them to see the benefits of your product or service. Then it must compel them to act…..

..You only get a few seconds to make your visitors believe in you, you have to make the most of it…..or they could be gone for good!

Your copy is the most important part of your Website. Do you understand why?

If you don’t convert the “visitor” into a “customer“, all of your other efforts are wasted. You have spent money and received no Business. That makes no economic sense!

We don’t know of a single Business owner whose goal is to get traffic. The goal is to make sales. Period. If you spend money on a Website and then on promotion, you don’t want those potential customers leaving your site….maybe never to come back! You have to grab as many of them as you can.

Therefore it makes sense to do everything possible to land them as a customer. This process begins and ends with your sites written content. It is imperative that your site copy is as close to perfect as you can get it. You have spent the money – convert your visitors to customers.

Is your copy as good as it can be? Do you know the process for finding out?

We do.